How to solve the wear of insulating glass production line? At present, there is no unified classification method for the wear of insulating glass production line, which can be summarized into two categories: one is the description of the wear appearance according to the wear results, such as pitting wear, gluing wear, scratch wear, etc; The other is divided into abrasive wear, adhesive wear, fatigue wear, corrosion wear and so on according to the friction mechanism.
1. Adhesive wear of insulating glass production line. Under the action of tangential force, the adsorption membrane and service membrane on the surface of friction pair are damaged, so that the contour peak of the surface is cold welded at each point of interaction. Due to relative movement, the material is transferred from one surface to another, forming adhesive wear.
In this process, sometimes the material will adhere back to the original surface, reverse transfer, or separate from the adhered surface and become free particles. The larger the load is, the higher the surface temperature is, and the more serious the adhesion phenomenon is. Severe adhesive wear will cause the moving pair to bite. Adhesive wear is a common form of wear between metal friction pairs.
2. Abrasive wear of insulating glass production line is the phenomenon that free hard particles (such as dust or metal particles caused by wear) or hard contour peaks entering between the rubbing Brown surfaces from the outside, plough out many grooves on the surface of softer materials, resulting in material falling off, which is called abrasive wear. Abrasive wear is related to the hardness of friction pair materials and abrasive particles. Sometimes, it is more economical to choose cheaper materials and replace easily worn parts regularly.
3. For the fatigue wear of insulating glass production line, under the action of variable contact stress, if the stress exceeds the corresponding contact fatigue limit of the material, fatigue cracks will be formed on the friction pair surface or at a certain depth below the surface. With the expansion and interconnection of cracks, metal particles will fall off from the working surface of parts, It leads to pitting damage on the surface, that is, fatigue wear or fatigue pitting corrosion.